Scientific name: Vicia faba
Common name: Broad beans
General description: Originally from Southwest Asia (the southern region of the Caspian Sea), this legume was already consumed six thousand years B.C., according to archaeological data. Its use as food was spread throughout the Mediterranean region, and the Roman Empire played an important role in increasing its consumption. The maritime expansion will have made the fava bean reach America.
We have the variety Broad beans 'Do Algarve', one of the oldest varieties produced in Portugal. Early white broad beans, producing large, light green grains, about 6 per pod.
Nutritional data: Excellent source of protein and fiber, contains high amounts of several vitamins and minerals and has a high content of bioactive compounds with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
Climate: Requires cold weather at the beginning of its cycle. Temperatures above 30°C during flowering can lead to flower abortion.
Soil: Deep, moist, well-drained, relatively tolerant of salinity, and attention should be paid to the calcium content. The pH should be between 7.3 and 8.2.
Irrigation: Rainfall may be sufficient. However, there are stages - between flowering and pod filling - when the crop is very sensitive to lack of water. Where rainfall is not sufficient, this should be supplemented.
Associations: Sunflower, Cucumber.
Sowing time: From September to January.
Harvest time: From March to June.