"Germinar um banco de sementes" was selected in the "Best Practices" category by BIP/ZIP
Project “Germinar um banco de sementes” was selected in the category of"Best Practices", a new initiative launched in the 11th edition of the Programme BIP/ZIP (Bairros e Zonas de Intervenção Prioritária de Lisboa), for innovative projects "with significant impact, generating continued and measurable added value in BIP/ZIP territories", said the Councillor for Housing and Local Development, Filipa Roseta. With this financing category, we intend to extend to relevant, distinct, innovative methodologies/products developed through successful BIP/ZIP projects.
This is our commitment: to germinate new seeds in four more schools and in the communities of new neighbourhoods where we will intervene (Qta. Cabrinha; Qta. Loureiro; Av. Ceuta Sul; Casal Ventoso; Rua Possidónio da Silva and Pampulha).
The BIP/ZIP Program Protocols Signing Ceremony took place at Fórum Lisboa on November 24th 2021. An event attended by the Mayor of Lisbon, Carlos Moedas, and the Councillor for Housing and Local Development, Filipa Roseta.
34 local partnership projects approved, in a global funding amount of 2.11 million euros. To Carlos Moedas, BIP/ZIP "reflects the participation of people in the city development policies".
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