"Vegetable gardens at home" project
In February this year, we shared some seeds with the users of the Santo Condestável Centre, of Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa (SCML), through the "Vegetable Gardens at home" Project.
An initiative focusing on varied themes such as:
- sustainable food production, respecting the environment;
- healthy food, respecting our history and culture;
- bringing people together, aiming to break isolation and valuing individual capacities and knowledge, regardless of age.
The project brought together partners with different expertise - SCML, the Lisbon Tourism School, the Caravana AgroEcológica and the Germinar um Banco de Sementes - which has contributed to the development of excellent results.
It all starts with each user sharing an old recipe. The seeds for the confection of each dish were sown and cared for by the users in their homes. The culinary memories were revived through the landscape, environment and sounds that took them back to that period of their lives; and through the exchange of ideas with the students of Lisbon's Tourism School. Finally, those same recipes were recreated by students more healthily.
The Santo Condestável Day Centre users well received this initiative: "we really like to accept challenges, to share our knowledge, as well as to learn and interact with other people".